If you have come to this site, whether on purpose or clearly by accident, don't turn away without reading this post. Yehovah has called you this very moment in time. It does not matter where you are, what your life is like, what it has been up until this very hour. He is calling you out of the world and into his light. He loves you very much and wants to bless you and have a personal relationship with you.
We are all brothers and sisters, whether we live down the block from one another or on different continents. Our culture or religious denominations, economic situation, education, background, traditions, etc. do not define us or separate us from the love our Creator has for each and every one of us. If you feel you have failed him or not lived up to his standards and could never receive his love and forgiveness, you are so wrong. None of us are perfect or more acceptable than any one else. It is time for all who love him to wake up and realize that, though the world view has separated us from one another and our God in so many ways. He is calling us home as one family to fellowship with each other and with himself as our heavenly Father.
The world at large has wholly abandoned the truth revealed by our Creator from the dawn of time, that which would lead us into abundant life. The first man, Adam, exchanged the knowledge of God for the knowledge of good and evil. He was coerced by Satan to question God's authority and instructions and to govern himself by his own ability to choose right and wrong., That fateful day resulted in the fall of the human race and mankind has continued to corrupt himself throughout history, resulting in unimaginable pain and suffering. The very creation itself suffers the results of man's sin, and we are plunging quickly toward total destruction if we don't wake up and turn back to our God. He alone knows what is best for us and his instructions are the only ones that lead to life everlasting and eternal peace.
It is my opinion that of all the things that divide us, religion is at the heart of all our problems. It is the very foundation of our particular world view. It is said that every war has been the result of our differing religious ideologies. Yeshua didn't come to earth to start a new religion, but to free us from religion, to bring us to the truth. He challenged the religious leaders of his day because, even though they were very zealous for the Torah, they had added so many man-made laws to control the masses, they completely lost sight of their Creator's heart.
Every religion today does the same thing. No matter what denomination you are in, you will find yourself subject to their definition of what is and isn't sin. They control what you think and how you act, what you come to believe as their brand of truth. The really sad reality is that they have all gone away from absolute truth and inherited the religious system born out of the attempted one world government of Nimrod. You can read of him in the book of Genesis, where he erected a tower in Babel that was to reach into the heavens, in defiance of God. Nimrod wanted to be God and the dominant ruler over a political/religious state. God thwarted his plans, separating the language of the people, resulting in their migration from Babel, leaving behind their building project.
However, the seeds of rebellion had been sown and Nimrod's world view infested the populations of the known world at that time. Mankind had begun to worship the creation rather than the Creator. They worshipped the sun, moon and stars and developed a religious system that became known as Babylonian sun-god-worship. Down through the ages, all of mankind has been influenced and corrupted by this deceptive "religion".
No matter your nation, culture or religion, you have inherited much of the belief system of this ancient kingdom. The world at large is in total bondage to it's sway over the hearts and minds of mankind. Our accepted customs and traditions, as well as our religions, have all been infected with the deception of Nimrod. The bible tells us he was a mighty hunter before Yehovah. The original text declares he was a might hunter "in the face of God" or in defiance of God.
We can't help what we have inherited. All we can do is repent and turn back to God, read His word, learn His ways, obey His instructions. The Torah is His instructions and, despite the fact that many declare them to be done away with or nailed to the cross, nothing could be further from the truth. Yehovah is the same yesterday, today and forever. He does not change. What he has declared in the beginning will be declared in the end. When Yeshua returns to earth the gather his saints and rule the earth, he will judge and rule this world with the same instructions given to Adam in the garden.
Ancient Israel was given seven annual moedim (appointed times) to observe throughout their sojourn in the promised land. Three times a year they would gather in Jerusalem, the place where Yehovah chose to place his name. Each of these rehearsals were shadow pictures of their coming savior and his plan of salvation, not only for Israel, but for the entire world. God's truth is embedded in each of these festivals. Our inherited religious systems do not contain the truth found in these beautiful shadow pictures. Our Messiah has already fulfilled the Spring feasts to the very day, hour and moment as they were rehearsed for thousands of years. He is coming soon to fulfill the Fall feasts in every detail as they were also rehearsed by ancient Israel. These reveal to mankind the answers to our deepest questions. Why were we born, why are we here, what is the purpose of life and where are we going after we die. It's all there, embedded in these beautiful living oracles given at Mount Sinai four thousand years ago. They are still as meaningful today as when God gave them on the holy mount.
We all need to return to Yehovah today and follow the ancient paths He laid out for us from the beginning. It doesn't matter who we are, where we live, we are all His children, brothers and sisters in Messiah, called out of the world to be His holy people, set apart for a holy purpose. Though we are in the world, we are not to be of the world Yehovah has a purpose for each and every one of us. We are special in his sight and greatly loved. If we will turn back to Him in spirit and truth, He will do great and mighty works in our lives and grant us eternal life in his soon coming kingdom.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
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