I find it amazing where my mind takes me as I sit quietly in the early morning hours contemplating life itself. I can turn the pages of my life's album and view snapshots of myself as a young child, playing gleefully with my sister, the schoolyears, growing up years, my wedding, the birth of my precious daughter, the working years, my body as it has aged and changed over time. I see good times and bad, happy times and sad. I've experienced miracles. It has been quite a journey. The picture that looms the largest is the day I gave my life to my Savior and asked Him to come into my life. He has always remained by my side and my life has been enormously blessed, through the lowest valley or highest mountaintop. He is my everything.
Through His word, I can open another album of the future. I can glimpse scenes of eternal joy in His presence. As I turn each page, I see the new heavens and new earth (II Peter 3:13). I can see Yeshua on His throne in Jerusalem, ruling over mankind (Jeremiah 3:17). If I have long slept in the dust at His return, He will awaken me and change this mortal body to an immortal one (I Corinthians 15:51-52). If I am alive at His coming, He will lift me up and I will rise with all who are His and meet Him in the clouds, to be with Him forever (I Thessalonians 4:13-17). I see the thousand-year reign, His Sabbath rest, where the saints will live and rule with Him over all the earth (Revelation 20:6). I see the earth at peace, mankind learning to live as He intended, being taught to obey His Torah (Micah 4:1-5). I see animals at peace with one another, little children sitting alongside lions, stroking their manes as if they were cuddling kittens (Isaiah 11:6-9). I see all mankind living in exuberant health, enjoying satisfying lives, no more pain or suffering (Revelation 21:4). His Holy seasons will replace those of the nations. I can see clearly all peoples going up to Jerusalem to celebrate His Sabbaths and festivals, as He has foretold in His word (Isaiah 66:23, Zechariah 14:16). I can see the day when God Himself, our Father, comes to live with us forever in the new Jerusalem that will come down out of heaven (Revelation 21:1-3).
My life's album is filled with memories that I enjoy flipping through from time to time, but God's album is one I look into every day, for it declares my future with Him into eternity. I speak with others often, those who attend church each week, and have never heard these things. They are amazed when I open God's word and share these marvelous truths with them. God has given me a gift and a calling, to teach His word to any who will listen, to reveal to them what they may never hear in their weekly assemblies, but that which will change their lives forever as it has mine. I pray I can fulfill that mandate until I take my last breath.