Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The House of God

In the Christian community, there seems to be a difference of opinion about the subjects of grace and works with regard to salvation. I have contemplated both concepts over the years, and been confused often about the role each plays in the salvation process.

However, as with most biblical teachings, our physical experience often mirrors the spiritual and makes clear those topics that otherwise seem hard to understand.

In the beginning, God instituted marriage and the family structure. Laying aside the present-day controversy over their definition, let's assume for a moment that we are speaking of a father, mother and children. When a man and woman bring forth new life, that child is theirs, 100%. The child has done nothing to deserve being born. As a newborn, the child is totally dependent upon it's parents for food, shelter and clothing. As the child grows, the parents instruct the child in an age-appropriate manner how to function in the family structure and within society at large. There are rules in the household that each member is responsible to abide by. Oftentimes, correction is needed to take rebellion out of a child's heart. The child does not decide for him or herself how they will conduct their lives, but are taught obedience (hopefully in the fear of Yehovah). A child does not yet have the capacity to make wise decisions without direction. They must be guided and directed along the way until they reach adulthood. Their parents know the perils that they will encounter along the way and offer wisdom and instruction to save them from pain or bodily harm. Their greatest joy is to watch their children grow up to be fine young adults, to be prosperous and happy, physically, mentally and spiritually whole. Sadly, some children refuse instruction and correction. They are unruly, disobedient and disrupt the entire household, creating havoc for all family-members. They have no respect for their parents, doing everything in their power to disregard all attempts at bringing them under authority. In these cases, many parents have been forced to sit them down and lay down the law, as it were. The conversation might go something like this. "You are our child and we love you dearly. However we cannot condone this disruptive behavior. Your attitude has become a cancer in our family. We have rules in this household and they must be abided by. We provide for all your needs and, in return, you spurn us and have no respect for us as your parents. You think you can come and go as you wish and do whatever you wish. This is about to stop. If you want to live in this home and under this roof, you will come under our authority. If you think you are grown enough to decide for yourself how you will live, then you can pack your bags and get out of our home. Go out into the world and see how you fare, providing for yourself."

Likewise, our heavenly Father has a household. Those who have been saved by the grace of our Lord and savior, Yeshua, are all member of that household. Using the analogy above, we can get a clearer picture of what being in His family is like. Yes, we are saved by faith and not by "works". We have done nothing by our own efforts to become His children. We haven't earned it. He brought us into His family through Yeshua, out of His abundant love for us. However, His is a household of rules and He expects His children to abide by them for their own good. When He brought the children of Israel into the promised land, He instructed them regarding the Sabbath and annual holy days that He wanted to celebrate with them. He gave them dietary laws for good health. He told them He didn't want them to live as the other nations, but to be  a set-apart people. He forbid them to make and bow down to graven images, or to follow the customs of the surrounding nations in their worship of Him. He gave them an order of worship that would prove to be a blessing to them. For His part, He would be their safety. He would bless them, provide for all their needs, keep their enemies at bay, give them peace and security in their new home. Their example of disobedience should be a warning to any who would spurn His instructions for righteousness. After many years of chastisement, after proclaiming warning after warning through His prophets, He cast them from their home into captivity among the nations.

You see, order is a necessary part of any family or civilization, for that matter. Otherwise, anarchy prevails, followed by destruction. God doesn't require obedience of any who are not His, but for those who live in His home, obedience is necessary for the good of the entire family. Again, we don't become His children by obedience, for the scriptures teach that, while we were yet sinners, Yeshua died for us. We can't earn a place in His home. Obedience, however, is taught in the home by our loving Father. Have you ever witnessed the destruction an unruly child can cause? What about an unruly fellow-believer within a congregation? The results are the same. The entire family is poisoned by bad behavior. Yehovah will not tolerate such behavior in His home. If we claim salvation through Yeshua, obedience to our heavenly Father is a must. His coming kingdom will be a kingdom of righteousness and the disobedient will not enter into it's gates.

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