I find myself at a crossroads today, the same one I found myself at more than 30 years ago. I never imagined I would find myself back at the beginning of my journey, having to once again fight the same battles I thought I had won so long ago. At that time I was a member of a small Baptist church, comfortable in my faith, my religion. I was part of a community of believers, was active in Sunday School, served as a teacher, was a member of a weekly women's bible study. I was your average Christian I guess, much like most of my neighbors in that small town, living a quiet life, active in my daughter's school as a room mother, helping her with her studies, teaching her the Bible, raising her up to be a good, moral person.
Then one day, God interrupted my quiet, comfortable, peaceful life. He began showing me, through his word, that my "religion" was not as acceptable as I thought. Over time, he began dealing with me about the customs and traditions that the whole of Christianity had adopted, which were in direct violation of his commandments. I must interject here, that some years before, I had been exposed to this same understanding, but my heart was not open at that time to receive such revelation. It was as if a veil covered my eyes so that I was unable to comprehend the truth that God was offering me.
However, this time, I truly received revelation. I hate to admit that it wasn't readily received because it shook my foundation to the core. All that I had believed and lived by was being challenged. My whole world view was crumbling beneath my feet. My acceptance of these truths would result in a massive upheaval of my entire life and isolate me from everything and everyone that had been the sum of my entire existence up to that point. In reality, that's exactly what happened. As I began to repent and turn my life around, I was immediately met with opposition. My family and friends thought I had gone completely mad, my church brethren pleaded with me not to leave the congregation. They questioned my salvation. It's hard to explain but I was filled with joy and wonder over what God was teaching me and, at the same time, extremely saddened by my isolation from my former associations.
The one saving grace was that I lived in a very rural community and had several years to spend alone with God in training, My days were filled with bible study, meditation, and prayer. I would walk and talk with him for hours on end as he fed me the bread of life. When it was time for me to be thrown back into the world, I was like a butterfly emerging from my cocoon. I was able to stand firm in my faith, even after I began working outside of the home to help support my family.
Surrounded by "Christians" of all denominations, as well as non-Christians, I often engaged in biblical discussions where I was able to share my understanding, but rarely was able to break through the denominational strongholds that held them captive. I was surrounded by the pagan customs and traditions that had embedded themselves into the very fabric of our society and my heart was often grieved by the inability to awaken others out of their slumber to embrace the truth. I often had to remind myself that I too was once as they were, a part of it all. But for the grace of God, I would still be deceived and oblivious to God's awesome plan for mankind.
Fast forward to today. I am now retired. Since my husband's passing last September I have been blessed with friends that have taken me under their wings to keep me encouraged and lifted up. One dear friend, who has been an absolute angel to me, invited me to attend a weekly bible study at her church. You would think I would be absolutely thrilled and I am to a certain degree. However, I find myself again facing the same things I thought were buried 30 years ago. The new friends I am meeting are from varying denominations and, the more I associate with them, the more I am reminded of the great gulf that separates us. They want to invite me to attend their Sunday services and other community events that are common this time of year. I have attempted to share my beliefs with them, but they fall on deaf ears. It's not my intention to rail accusations against their chosen denominations, but I know I must separate myself from such worship. I am well aware that the longer I allow myself to be drawn into their fellowship, the more they will attempt to bring me back into "religion". I learned a long time ago that Jesus did not come to start a religion, but to have a personal relationship with mankind. It is a good thing that Christians meet together in worship. I believe everyone benefits from congregational fellowship, but it must be in accordance with the word of God. Unfortunately, the "Church" as we know it today has been infiltrated by the enemy. He has brought in leaven that has diluted the pure word given by God in the beginning, resulting in a mixture of truth and error. God says he will not accept this form of worship. It breeds confusion and contention and corrupts our worship of him. He has instructed his followers to come out of Babylon.
He has given us the knowledge of his ways if we will heed them. They are embedded in the Sabbath and Holy Days he gave to Israel millennia ago. They all point the way to Messiah and his plan for humankind. But modern Christianity has adopted customs and traditions that are diametrically opposite to those of our creator. Each one of these appointed times has been replaced with those of ancient sun-god worship. The Sabbath has been replaced by Sunday, Passover by Easter, Tabernacles by Christmas. Throw in New Year's day, Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras and Halloween. Add to them the days devoted to so-called saints and you have a witch's brew that bears no resemblance to the biblical instructions in the word of God.
We are two thousand years removed from the teachings of the Apostles and many have abandoned the faith once delivered to the saints. I will admit that the majority of Christendom today is totally unaware of how they have been deceived by evil forces that have corrupted what they earnestly believe to be the true worship of God. But being ignorant of it does not make it any less the truth. It has been and remains my deepest desire to educate any and all that I come in contact with and bring them out of deception into the true worship of the living God. With that said, I know that most will choose to remain in their comfort zone, to that which is familiar to them. They will hold tightly to their customs and traditions to the very end. The good news is that Jesus will soon come back to the earth to establish his divine rule and mankind will learn to keep his commandments and live by his standards. He will open the eyes of the "spiritually" blind and lead them into all truth.
Today, he has blessed me with the opportunity of sharing his word through a home Bible study. My friends have requested that I teach them the meaning of the biblical festivals. They have been very receptive and are blown away by the beauty and real meaning of these holy seasons. I sincerely pray that God will increase us in numbers and that we will receive much truth and understanding in this study that will result in untold blessings for those involved in this endeavor.
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